Kativasthi is typically used to treat conditions of the lower back, such as sciatica, lumbar spondylosis, and lower back pain. It can also be used to treat other conditions, such as constipation, infertility, and menstrual disorders.
Kativasthi For Lower Back Vitality and Pain-Free Movement
Specially formulated to address lower back ailments, Kativasthi at Kottakkal Green Life Ayurvedic center in Dubai brings lumbar rejuvenation to new heights. This Ayurvedic therapy involves the pouring of specially prepared warm herbal oil over the lower back, contained within a black gram paste boundary. The therapeutic properties of these herbal oils deeply cleanse, enrich the blood, build and maintain strong muscles and connective tissues, and lubricate the joints, ensuring flexibility and pain-free movement.
As a premier ayurvedic centre in Dubai, we extend the benefits of Kativasthi to those seeking relief from lower back conditions like Lumbar Spondylosis, Intervertebral disc prolapses, Lumbago (low back ache), and Sciatica. We employ the Kativasti treatment in Dubai, a lumbosacral rejuvenation therapy using herbal decoctions or hot oil. The 30-minute procedure involves the use of a dough made of whole flour or black gram flour and water. A ring-shaped mould is created in the lumbosacral area, and herbal decoction or medicated oil is poured into it, delivering targeted relief. The Kativasti treatment is renowned for reducing pain and inflammation, lubricating joints, and nourishing and strengthening bones, ligaments, connective tissues, nerves, and muscles in the lumbosacral region. It pacifies the vata dosha, removes rigidity and muscle spasms, and enhances blood circulation in the lower back. In the serene ambiance of Kottakkal, Kativasthi unfolds as a time-honoured remedy, harmonising ancient practices with modern comfort. Kativasthi is a powerful treatment that can offer significant relief from a variety of conditions that is safe and effective treatment for most people.